Aschdon's Therapies!



October 2, 2000

Child: Aschdon Birkle

DOB: 5-7-99

Adjusted Age: 14 months

Gross Motor Evaluation

Aschdon Birkle was evaluated September 21, 2000, using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Second Edition. Aschdon was cooperative throughout the testing, though he did watch closely to keep visual contact with his mother. When his mother left the room, he did demonstrate some apprehension, but was not distressed. I did note with increased effort or nervousness, he did demonstrate tremors throughout his body, but the tremors did quiet with comfort measures.

Aschdon demonstrate a performance in the one percentile level, for testing of reflexes, stationary motor control, and locomotion. He does demonstrate integration of normal reflexes through the six month level. His stationary skills have developed through the five month level, with his development beyond this level limited by his decreased strength in his arms and upper body. His locomotion (crawling, standing, and attempts at walking) are limited by inadequate strength in his legs. He is reluctant to support weight through his hips, and through his legs, making it difficult for him to develop this strength.

He is able to sit alone, with good balance, and able to turn completely around in sitting to retrieve a toy. He is able to lean to either direction on either hand, to retrieve a toy placed a distance away from him. He is able to rest on his elbows to push up on extended ars, with his elbows straight.

Aschdon does demonstrate a delay in his gross motor skills, and could benefit from direct physical therapy intervention, as well as working with the family to increase his activity level and general strength. He is a pleasant child and should respond well to this intervention.


Carol Wells, PT