Anything Is Possible For Destiny...

I have a daughter her name is Destiny Hope.  She's five years old. She is different, very special you see, she can not walk or run like you and me. She spends her days in a pink wheelchair. She can not climb steps, but she doesn't care. When she's outside she looks to the sky and dreams of flying like dragonflies. Life for Destiny is not always fair, at night she has a machine she has to wear. But Destiny is happy, a normal little girl. There's a scientist who's found a cure for mice, If he could do that for my little girl it would be so, nice. I think that she will not need her chair one day, because because there will be a cure for SMA. Destiny, never gives up . We know she is our little angel on loan. And even thought we can not see her wings we still know they are there because we find her angel dust everywhere...