My Brother, Dawson

Dinner time

What are they doing over there?

What are we sitting and waiting for?

Nothing to do

I'm number one

I'm so tired

Sleeping standing up

I'm too cute

Go Oilers!

Do you like my new shirt?

Looking very innocent

I look so little

Practice time

Future Hockey Star

I like fish

Posing by the fishies

Do you like my new toy?

Happy Birthday to me

Look what I got, how cool!

WOW!  Look at this

Very cold water

Having fun

Me and my friends

I am looking so cool!

Thumbs up!

Party time

My puppy

Mom's little helper with an attitude!

Enna and I being comfortable

I love my baby sister, Enna

On the go already

All pupped out

I am the boss, so get busy

I'm already love her so much

Trouble, here I come

My puppy got painted too

Evan and I having fun!

Visiting Enna in the hospital

Hanging with daddy and Enna

Mom says I'm such a cool little stud muffin

goofing off at the hospital

Family time at the hospital - playing XBox

Tada, our gingerbread house

Christmas dinner at the hospital

Mommy and I at the hospital

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