Family Photos Page 3!

Mostly October 2002

thecakeandACgeneCc.jpg (101841 bytes)

Daddy's birthday cake 10-1-02

gettingreadyfor_cake.jpg (122998 bytes)

The three boys

puttingoutthecandles.jpg (101498 bytes)

Putting out the candles




colinnappingincrib.jpg (107077 bytes)

Colin napping like a good boy in his crib in his own room!

fingerpaintingwithtami.jpg (84072 bytes)

Colin using his sling from the Swansons to finger-paint with Tami (SLP)

Caseyandpumpkin.jpg (120275 bytes)

Casey and his pumpkin that he picked on his kindergarten fieldtrip

caseypump.jpg (141755 bytes)

Casey and Nurse Sue


grouppump.jpg (175966 bytes)

Casey and his class

Harcasey.jpg (130781 bytes)

Casey and Harley

colinlongboy.jpg (103071 bytes)

Colin the long boy!

colin_in_kidkart_101402.jpg (39760 bytes)

sayah.jpg (102355 bytes)

Colin, say Ahhhh!

close_up_colin_in_kk.jpg (36971 bytes)

Colin sitting up!



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