Age 1 Photos
Page 13

Mommy holding a little girl...where the heck did the baby go?!

Getting some sunshine

That's 2 top teeth about to come through! 19 months old and I'm  finally getting some top teeth! Yay!

They're almost all the way in!:)

Playing together

Ready for a walk

Watching Dora

Daddy's lil broncos fan

Afro Puffs

My Alli baby isn't a baby anymore

Her sisters are doing her hair! She's loving it:

Not feeling very good

Alli got to try out joy sticks today with her pt! She's going to leave one with us to work with her on. The box says "mini joystick omni." Her pt wants us to try to teach her push, pull, left and right. Alli doesn't understand it rite now at all, but I'm hoping with some practice she'll get it! The pt says by Christmas break we can start trying power chairs! Yay!:)