Meet My Brother!

I would like for you to meet my brother.  His name is Brandon Michael Cagle and he'll be 8 years old on March 13.  I have the most wonderful brother any little girl could ever ask for.  Brandon is so caring and takes really good care of me.  He is really protective over me.  When I get in trouble and mommy says she is gonna get my behind Brandon always says "No you are not moma she is only a baby and she don't know better." Or he will say "whoop me instead of her" Isn't that sooo sweet?  Brandon is always being thoughtful of me.  He likes to buy things for me. I know my brother will watch over me as I grow.


My brother enjoys sports.  He likes to play baseball, soccer, and basketball.  He does really well in school when he keeps his mouth shut!!!  Brandon likes to play with our cousins.  I am the only girl on my dads side, there are 5 boys and 1 girl (that's me)


Brandon is a very special brother.  We would be lost without each other.  I love my brother very much!!!!