A Poem From Aschdon's Great-Grandma

Aschdon child of joy and light with golden hair and sparkling smile so bright

God sent you here to show us some of His special plan. Lives around are touched by God through this little man.

Sisters love his laughter as they join him in their play. He teaches them patience and compassion meeting his needs and ways.

Mothers heart is filled with love as she nurtures him and prays, that God will grant this special child, a life of happy days.

Daddy's life is filled with joy and knowledge bittersweet, as riding on his shoulder high he knows his sports fan buddy's life he's not complete.

Papa Rod's fishing partner going with him for the day, Grandpa and child bonded close, perhaps this is God's way.

If Aschdon had not come at all, this special little boy so sweet, how would we have learned that all we have and cherish must someday be laid at Jesus' feet.

by Francis Heller

By Great-Grandma / So Many Angels / I'll Lend A Child / Welcome To Holland / I Am Holland / Little Miracles / Dear Daddy / My Dad / A Child's Angel