Matthew David Sereni

Pretty strong name for a tough little guy...

I guess it's okay to think of Matt as "our baby" since he touched, and his memory remains in, the hearts of so many people.

Even though he was limited in the movement of his limbs, he could stop you in your tracks with his unrelenting stare, the twinkle in his eyes when he smiled, or with his furrowed eyebrows.  Oh those expressive they were-particularly when you interrupted his viewing of the Congressional Impeachment hearings, the Lehrer-McNeil Financial Report and from time-to-time, even if Mom won't admit it, an occasional football game.

His expressive and loving with a dash of mischief thrown in to keep you on your toes.  I can feel the look even now, asking, "hey, whose turn is it to keep me entertained?"

Dave and Lisa's efforts to make Matt feel loved, keep him comfortable and entertained are beyond any words of praise we might offer them in this letter.  They must know in their hearts, they did everything humanly possible to insure that Matthew's time with us was as good as it could have possibly been.

It's unfortunate that it takes a circumstance like this to remind us how precious our children are and what a gift it is to have them touch our lives, even if it's only for a brief moment.

Our baby is no longer physically with us but will live on in our hearts and memories forever.


Grandma and Grandpa

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