This page contains responses concerning scoliosis from Jacquie

Hello, Scoliosis monitoring should be on the number one priority list of any Dr. with experience in SMA or any of the muscular dystrophy's. Since it is such a major factor in respiratory function. Our daughter Jade, age 7 SMA 2, has been in a fitted back brace since age two to slow the curvature until she was old enough to have spinal fusion. She had her surgery last month and is doing wonderfully. Ideally they wanted to wait until her teen years to have the surgery but her lungs were collapsing and it was a now or never. Since then her SaO2 is 100 on room air. Prior was 94. Please pursue in getting you child braced right away to slow down the curve, I'm quite surprised your PT or Dr. has not mentioned it yet. Some Dr.s say that you should not brace kids with MD and that is true, but they are only thinking of Duchenne's MD, not SMA which is vital in preventing curves.

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