Age 4
Elizabeth's Photos Page 6!


Lizzy in her serial casts and knee immobilizers
She is not minding this too much. She had a big improvement over one week. She gets to take her casts off on Sunday here at home and gets to keep them off till next morning. She understands it will help her feet.  These are her favorite Pjs.

Lizzy playing outside

Just tasting pizza

Woo hoo!!  I love going for a ride!

Lighting my candle

for my friend Skylar

She was 7 years old

and she is now an angel.

Caitlyn on her 4 wheeler

My new leopard print TLSO!

I promise to stay on the sidewalk, Nina

Can we please go this way????

I love my purple power chair

Zoom, zoom, zoom!!!!

It's Papa's birthday! Here I come Papa!

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Papa, Happy Birthday to You!!!!!!!!

Wait for me, here I come

Looking beautiful today

Driving around...

and having fun

I love being outside!