Age 3
Page 7


Queen MJ

All of us at Miracles & Madness

Me & MJ

My friend, Nolan

Mommy & MJ

Trying out MJ's bed

Sleeping at breakfast

My poor Mickey balloon


At Build A Bear, I picked a puppy

Stuffing the puppy

A little more stuffing to make it extra huggable

Picking the outfit...I chose a Buzz Lightyear costume

Nolan chose a puppy too

My puppy's name is Buzz Off

Smokin' candy cigarettes with MJ

Dinner at Der Dutchman

Some of the SMA researchers

MJ & Brenda - We love them

Chillin with Leon and Buzz Off

Cool dude

Snuggling with MJ during the researchers' talk

Holding hands

I love MJ

Dr. Kaspar, the head gene therapy researcher

Sleeping on MJ

Annette, Madison, Joey and Natalie

Gifts from Blake & Nolan


Me, MJ, & Brett


Dr. Kaspar, MJ, Dr. Burghes, & me

Silly MJ

Swim time


Blake, Nolan & Monica

Hi Nolan!

Just us boys

Secrets between us